A life story

This story is abetu lolskeletons adn hem baning me from banangpasta wiki.
I was only -9 years old.
I loved snoop skeletons so much
I had all the murchadnise and skullingotns.I prayed to lolskullengtos every night.
"Lolskallengtosn is life" "lolskuallfingstons is love"
My dad called me a McNoob. He slapped me and said "get out of here with your fat dew"
I hear voices from my window.
It's lolskullangotns!
Lolskalldengtonas says "Open your pc"
As i open my pc,Lolsjfkallengtson takes the banhamemr and says "its all banned now"
my dad comes in and says WHAT THE HELL IS THAT
loskdkallsents flies through the window
"lolskallengutns is love" "lolksasddengus is life"
* maed by your local drug dealer Physicmotor